Profitable Product Creation – 3 Profit Sucking Product Creation Mistakes [and What to Do Instead]

Profitable Product Creation is one of the most important skills to master for massive online success.

And you do want massive online success, yes?

Profitable Product Creation Mistake #1 – Starting from scratch every time – Too many people make their product creation take way too long because they have to reinvent the wheel each time. Sure, your first, and maybe first few products your in beginner’s mode, but after a few you don’t have to start from scratch.

What to do instead – Follow a proven, time-tested formula – Create or follow a formual for your product creation that is proven and repeatable. This one tip alone will dramatically increase your profitability.

Profitable Product Creation Mistake #2 – Believing it’s only for those “special people” – I hear it all the time -

“Well, you can create products easily cuz your one of those internet guys.”

OK, you can hang on to that excuse if you like. But how do you think I got to be one of those internet guys?

By doing the work to create the products!

What to do instead – Do. The. Work. – Quit making excuses and simply do the work. Find out what your community most wants to learn. Use a proven time-tested system to create it for them. Then deliver it to them. Rinse and repeat.

Profitable Product Creation Mistake #3 – Too Few or Too Many – Most people tend to err in one of two directions:

Too Few Products – They create one and only one. Here there is nothing else for your customer to invest in for their next success steps.

Too Many Products – I’ve done this one before. I realized I had too many products when a customer, who had been away for awhile, asked our Help Desk for their log in details for one of my products in which they had invested.

No problem there.

The problem for me was that I did not remember creating the product…

What to do instead – Find Your Sweet Spot- This is best done by following my 3 rules for online success:

1) Keep It Simple

2) Less is More

(notice how violated #1 and #2 above)

3) Do It Now

Listen, you can create products and resources based on your expertise. The hardest part is getting started. I challenge to get started before your head hits the pillow tonight and begin to create a product.

Bonus Tip – To create products you need content. So here’s a little help for you with creating your content.

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